Astrological Quiz



To access certain features of the Website, you shall purchase credits (the “Credits”) to top-up your credit balance (the “Credit Balance”). 1 credit equals 1 rub. The first hour of chatting with our AI expert will be free. Each subsequent hour will cost 399 rubles

The Credits will be deducted from your Credit balance when you access paid features of the Website on a per-minute basis. Certain number of Credits, as indicated on the payment screen during the purchase, will be deducted from your Credit balance for each minute at the beginning of such minute.

Special prices

We offer a 3-day trial subscription to the STARWILLSHOW service for 1 ruble. If you do not cancel your subscription before the end of the 3-day trial period for 1 ruble, it will automatically renew at the price of our tariff for 399 rubles every 2 weeks or 100 rubles for 3 days (if your card does not have enough funds). You can cancel your subscription at any time in your personal account.

We may offer certain number of free or discounted Credits. Unless you cancel before such Credits are used by you in full, you will be automatically charged for topping-up your Credit balance with Credits for the price and in the amount as indicated on the payment screen.

Automatic account topping-up

You may also use the EasyBuy feature to use the features of the website and your readings without interruption. This feature allows the topping-up of the Credit balance to automatically renew.

You expressly authorize us to automatically top-up your Credit balance whenever it falls below minimum Credit balance as indicated on the payment screen during the purchase, until you cancel.

You will be notified about the referred automatic top-up in advance and each time it occurs, via automatic notifications. You can deactivate this feature under your account settings.

Payment method

To top-up your Credit balance we will charge the payment method you submitted at the time of purchase at confirmation of purchase. You authorize us to charge the applicable fees to the payment method that you submit.


If you cancel the automatic topping-up of Credit balance, it will be disabled, but you will still be able to use all your credits remaining on your Credits balance.

You can cancel automatic Credit balance topping-up by turning it off in your account settings.

Forfeiture of Credits

All Credits may be forfeited if your account is suspended or terminated for any reason, at our sole and absolute discretion without prior notice, including, but not limited to, for the following reasons:

You will not receive money or other compensation for unused Credits when your account is closed whether such closure was voluntary or involuntary.


To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, we may change subscription fees at any time. We will give you reasonable notice of any such pricing changes by posting the new prices on the service and/or by sending you an email notification, or in other prominent way. If you do not wish to pay the new fees, you can cancel the applicable subscription prior to the change going into effect.

Other terms

You agree that purchased Credits have no monetary value and do not constitute actual currency or property of any type. The Credits may never be sold, transferred, traded or exchanged through any legally acceptable payment method, goods or other items of monetary value from us or anyone else.

You may not buy or sell any Credits or your account in exchange for legally acceptable money or otherwise exchange them for any other kind of value through any means other than that established by us.

If you have any questions in relation to these terms, please contact us at Support center.

Please take a screenshot of this information for your reference.

Last updated: 15 May 2024