Astrological Quiz

User Agreement

1. General Provisions

Under the terms of this User Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the 'Agreement', LLC 'DOMSTROY' (TIN 7718055030) (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator of the Internet resource) grants Users the right to access and use the services of the Administrator's Internet resources. All existing services on the Administrator's Internet resources, as well as any changes to them and/or the addition of new ones, including changes in their cost, are subject to this Agreement.

Terms and Definitions

For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms are used in the following meanings:

This Agreement becomes effective when the User submits a request for any service presented on the Site. The User's actions directed towards using the Site's services constitute unconditional and full acceptance of the terms of this User Agreement.

The Administrator does not guarantee 100% uninterrupted, fast, reliable, and error-free operation of the Site's services.

2. Subject of the User Agreement

2.1. Under this Agreement, the Administrator agrees to provide the User with free and paid services of the Administrator's Internet resource.

2.2. Prices for the Services are set by the Administrator in the corresponding section on the Administrator's Internet resource.

2.3. Fees for the Services are set directly by Communication Operators or other third parties through whom the payment is made and should be clarified with these parties.

3. Tariffs and Procedure for Providing Services

3.1. To receive the Services of the Administrator's Internet resource, the User must visit the appropriate Internet resource of the Administrator or the Administrator's partner sites and order the service by filling out the provided form. When filling out the form for the Administrator's services on third-party sites, the Administrator is not responsible for the actions of these third parties, including violations of the Federal Law 'On Personal Data'. Completing the form signifies the User's full acceptance of the terms of this offer and the User's consent to the Administrator processing their personal data.

3.2. The User's order and payment for the Administrator's services on the Administrator's Internet resource or on third-party sites mean that the User accepts this offer, and a contract for the provision of information services is concluded between the Administrator and the User. Tariffs for services:

3.3. Astrological consultation services:

4. Obligations of the Parties

4.1. User Obligations

4.2. Users are prohibited from

4.3. Administrator Obligations

5. Payment Procedure

5.1. Payment for the Services is based on 100% prepayment. Payments are made in rubles.

6. Force Majeure

6.1. The parties are released from liability for failure to perform their obligations under the Agreement in the event of force majeure circumstances.

7. Amendment of this Agreement

7.1. The Administrator has the right to amend the terms of this Agreement and adjust prices.

8. Liability of the Parties

8.1. The parties are liable in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

9. Confidentiality

9.1. The Executor undertakes not to disclose information received from the Customer.

10. Refund Policy

10.1. If the service is not provided within the period specified on the Site in accordance with paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4 of this agreement, the User may request a refund. The money is returned in the amount of the full cost of the service within 30 days from the date of the return request by the User.

The User may request a refund by sending a request to the email address [email protected], in which he must indicate his name and the reason for the refund. The request must be made from the email that is linked to the StarWillShow account. The response period for the application is 3 days. Verification and consideration of the application takes place within 20 working days from the date of feedback.

11. Information Support

11.1. The User agrees to receive informational materials from the Administrator by registering on the Administrator's Internet resource.

12. Other Provisions

12.1. All textual information and graphic images on the Administrator's Internet resources are the property of the Administrator.